Sales Effectiveness System
Meet your quota. Increase your happiness.
Every successful salesperson has one main goal. Consistently make their sales quota. Everything else is a distraction. Eric’s sales training focuses on keeping it simple, focus on your most important activities, and develop successful selling habits.
Sales professionals are tasked with more and more responsibilities, which can sometimes hide their key revenue-generating activities. When this happens, they are forced to work longer and harder and eventually hit a ceiling of diminishing returns.
Strategic Prospecting
Improve phone conversations by using smart calling techniques
Identify the pain points of your prospects
Reduce wasted time spent on unqualified prospects
Increase your conversation rates by using a 3 Part Prospecting Approach
Sales Time System
Double your revenue by applying the Sales Time System
Identify your 80/20 sales activities that produce the most revenue
Overcome the three biggest time traps for sales professionals
Quality vs. Quantity: Learn the secrets of Pipeline Management
Gain greater impact by strategically planning your week
Mindset: Enthusiasm, Confidence, and Energy
Gain confidence by focusing on your sales identity
Better navigate the rollercoaster of selling
Discover the distinction between role and identity
Identify healthy habits that give you energy
Understand how enthusiasm makes the difference