Administrative Responsibilities Slowing Sales?

One of the biggest killers I observe when working with sales professionals is how they are inundated with so many administrative responsibilities that prevent them from prospecting, visiting customers, or creating new value for their existing clients.
The executive team wants to grow sales but sometimes fails to see the roadblocks they place in the way. For example, tracking, managing, and measuring three sales activities are excellent, but when a sales professional has to record more and becomes inundated with creating reports, it negatively impacts their level of effectiveness.
Part of my Productivity Sales Process teaches sales professionals and sales managers how to free up their time so they can focus more on revenue-generating activities.
One strategy we use is called “The Sales Professional Time System” where we have them break their day into two parts. Preparation and Productivity.
Preparation: Non-Revenue Generating Activities – 2hrs. a day
We ask them to write down all of the administrative tasks that they do on a daily and weekly basis. We look to see what can we eliminate or make into a system. Preparation is also where they plan out who they will call, what customers will they visit, and what marketing emails they will send.
Productivity: Revenue Generating Activities – 2hrs a day
We have them block two hours in their day to focus on outbound calls, emails, and client visits. I have them view these two hours as sacred time, and I teach them strategies on how to protect this time.
Here is what a typical day looks like:
9-11am Revenue Generating Activities
2-4pm Non-Revenue Generating Activities
Notice this is only four hours out of a typical eight or nine-hour day. You have to account for last-minute fires, meetings, and distractions.
For more information on how you can boost the effectiveness of your sales team contact and let’s set up a time to talk.
To Your Success
Eric Papp Top 1% of Time Management Speakers