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Handicap Thinking
We set out to accomplish our goal and start a new habit For Example: Exercising (lose 20lbs) Writing (write a book) Spending more time with family And then, when we miss a day, that l ...
Saturday Morning Cartoon Feeling
Do you remember waking up early as a kid on Saturday to watch cartoons? No one was up yet in the house, you had the television all to yourself, and maybe you even fixed yourself some cereal. Tha ...
480 Minutes
There are 480 minutes in 8hrs. What if we viewed our workday through the lens of minutes and not hours? Would we slow down? Would we allow ourselves to exercise for 30 minutes and not feel gu ...
Think Like A Scientist
Most of our frustrations and problems would be more manageable if we started looking at them through the lens of a scientist. You can think like a Scientist. You don't have to have any advance ...