Consistency Over Intensity

I use the Peloton bike for exercise. And I like to do HITT Training (High-intensity interval training). In my mind, I sometimes have a narrow view of exercise. I have to get the heart rate up (intense), or it's not beneficial. And I recently realized this limited view sometimes prevents me from getting started because I "don't feel like" working out that hard on some days. I have also seen this in other areas Not making consistent outbound sales, do a giant sales blitz, throw a lot of money at the campaign, and hope it works out. You need to write a paper. Then, wait until the last weekend and go to the library for several hours. You need to lose some weight for a big event one year from now; eat nothing but shakes the week leading up to it. We keep searching for the quick, intense short-term answer. Would life be easier if we just cultivated better habits? By Eric Papp
Are You Saying Yes Too Quickly?

When was the last time you said "Yes" to something and then, later on, you regretted it? You said "Yes" too quickly. This video may help you.
I intellectually understood the importance of sleep, but after having another newborn in the house (Cole is four weeks today), I experienced the value of it. Sleep can benefit us in numerous ways: Regulate our mood Boost our immune system Increase our productivity Improve our memory Reduce our stress Why does our culture still seem to view sleep as a necessary evil? If you take naps in some circles, why are you deemed lazy? Perhaps we still think we can power through, drink more caffeine, or binge our favorite tv show at night and not feel any ramifications. I invite you to get more rest this week and see if you notice the impact. Tips for getting more sleep: Go to bed 30 minutes earlier Stop using your phone 30 minutes before bedtime Do one 10-minute guided mediation after lunch What is preventing you from getting more sleep or naps? Identify your obstacle, and you’ll create your custom solution. by Keynote Speaker & Author, Eric Papp
Prioritizing Through Intuition
Many of us jump from one activity to the next throughout our day. As a result, our day seems like one giant to-do list. We become human-doings. What do I have to do? What's next? Where do I have to be right now? Dominate our thoughts. If we don’t allow space/time for intuition, we become "crazy busy”, and default to lazy thinking. When we stop and analyze our daily activities, and examine all the "have to" items, we will see that we have more control than we think. I like to think of Prioritization as a muscle. If you use it, it gets stronger and serves you. If you don't, it withers away, and someone else prioritizes your life for you. The #1 way to better prioritize is to develop your intuition. Intuition: The intersection of your head and heart. The busier you are, the more critical it is to build space in your day. This allows you to reflect and examine “where have I been” and “where am I headed”? "Intuition is a very powerful thing, more powerful than intellect, in my opinion," Jobs told writer Walt ...
Goal Series - Optimism Bias
We can often underestimate the amount of time, effort, and resources needed to accomplish a goal. For example, a researcher asked students how long they thought they needed to write a thesis. Most students answered around thirty days, when in fact it took them almost double that time to complete it. I have fallen prey to this kind of thinking in many areas of my life; from weight loss to growing my business. So, what's the solution? Identify the obstacles in your planning stages. In my Effectiveness Process, after someone has identified their goal and what it looks like, they list all their obstacles, concerns, and challenges. It may seem counterintuitive, but it actually allows the person to brainstorm how to overcome certain challenges. When we don't acknowledge our obstacles and concerns, it is easy to launch into our goals fueled with optimism. Then when we come across an obstacle we don't have a previous idea about how to solve that particular challenge. My advice is to generate more ideas and strategies before you launch, so ...
Intuition vs. Information
In our non-stop information-flowing world, intuition seems to take a back seat. We now have 24hour news, an endless email inbox, and non-stop meetings, all to "keep us informed." These are the typical results when a person is this connected: poor health overwhelmed at work/personal and poor time management/decision making Before we get to the answer, we need to understand what is driving our behavior to stay this connected. Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) and false beliefs that support it I need to be included in all communication. Real priorities are getting lost or buried in an overflowing inbox. We need to stay busy. We fill our schedules up and allow no space for critical thinking or decision-making. We think that more information is better. But if we don't take the time to contemplate, we make poor decisions and further add to the complexity of our lives. Solution: Slow down and Go With Your Gut. You've probably heard this before from a wise friend of yours. Here are some interesting facts about ...