Win the Day
Win The Day is a great motto and makes sense, Right? Why is it so hard to do? Why is it that our mind keeps drifting toward the goal, causing procrastination to set in? Why do we not do the daily activities that will get us to our desired result? I don't know, but what I do know that talking a lot about our goal tricks us into feeling like we already accomplished something. And then, procrastination or perfectionism starts to set in. The solution: Focus on Winning The Day. Instead of thinking of your 25lb weight loss, think of the next exercise you will do today or tomorrow. Instead of thinking about your end of the year sales bonus, think about the next client you need to call on. Instead of worrying about how your children will turn out, think about the next time you can spend carefree time with them. What is the next step you want to do? When you focus on winning the day, some of the self-inflicted weight comes off your shoulders. When you start to apply "Next Step Thinking," it keeps you focused on Winning The Day. Next Step? Next ...
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Thank you for your support and your continued commitment to self-improvement. This year was our most successful year and we welcomed the addition of our first child Elliana born on November 3, 2019. In our effort to serve you better we have updated our website with more programs and tools so you can have the best year in 2020. Love, Live, Lead Eric Papp
Being Grateful vs. Seeking Gratification
How is it that the United States is the most obese, in-debt, and medicated society? I believe we are continually seeking gratification and not making space for gratitude. The more we seek to consume and neglect gratitude, the emptier we feel inside. We try and fill this void with unhealthy amounts of food, alcohol, or drugs. We know how to make a living, yet we forgot how to live. 3 Ways You Can Create The Habit of Gratitude 1. 3 Wins From Yesterday What were your three wins that happened today? Finding victories in the small moments of life will help you better appreciate the big ones. Take the time to write it down on a post-it note or work it into a conversation at lunch with a colleague or at home around the dinner table. This daily practice will help us prevent "In order to" thinking. In order to be happy, I need to make more money. In order to be successful, I need a new car. In order to feel worthy, I need a relationship. 2. Opportunity vs. Obligation Reframing how you see things. My daughter will be three weeks old on Sunday, and I'm already ...
Administrative Responsibilities Slowing Sales?
One of the biggest killers I observe when working with sales professionals is how they are inundated with so many administrative responsibilities that prevent them from prospecting, visiting customers, or creating new value for their existing clients. The executive team wants to grow sales but sometimes fails to see the roadblocks they place in the way. For example, tracking, managing, and measuring three sales activities are excellent, but when a sales professional has to record more and becomes inundated with creating reports, it negatively impacts their level of effectiveness. Part of my Productivity Sales Process teaches sales professionals and sales managers how to free up their time so they can focus more on revenue-generating activities. One strategy we use is called "The Sales Professional Time System" where we have them break their day into two parts. Preparation and Productivity. Preparation: Non-Revenue Generating Activities - 2hrs. a day We ask them to write down all of the administrative tasks that they do on a daily and weekly basis. We look to see what can ...
Top 2 Ways To Be Ineffective
The quest to increase effectiveness and efficiency is everywhere. It can be heard in meetings where the boss talks about "doing more with less" or seen on television commercials by "save time" and order a Peloton bike or treadmill. Before we begin our search for the latest productivity app or lifehack, we must first look at habits or beliefs that are holding us back. Why are most of us not as effective as we would like to be? Because we act on false beliefs. "It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so." - Mark Twain False Belief #1 - Stay Busy The clock is ticking, and you feel the pressure of time; therefore you must stay busy. And with this belief comes the thinking that everything is necessary and everything must get attention. So our day is spent trying to move 100 things an inch rather than three things a mile. The important things never get the time or attention they deserve. Remedy - Subtract and prioritize constantly. Ask yourself two questions: - If I just worked fours hours today, how would I s ...
Are You Getting Interrupted?
Over 70% of people who work in an office experience interruptions at work. Some of these interruptions are unavoidable. However, if we dig a little deeper, we may be able to improve your situation at work. There are two types of interruptions 1. Internal Self-Inflicted. We answer our phone for every incoming text message or call. Or we respond to emails every time we get one. And this type of behavior usually leaves us feeling unproductive at the end of the day because we look back and are unsure as to what we really accomplished. 2. External Your boss or co-workers. A person is committing the interruption - usually the boss. "Do you have a second." or "This will only take a minute." Over 80% of us lack the courage it takes to "protect our time." As humans, we want to be liked and will often place the non-important needs of others over our priorities. Solution: 4 Ways To Protect Your Time 1. Put your cell phone on airplane mode I do this daily usually for 25min. or 50min. blocks of time. (That's how I wrote this article.) 2. Practicing saying, "Not rig ...