Coronavirus is still here. Many of us thought that it would have subsided by now and life would be back to normal. Myself included. I used to google “end of coronavirus prediction.” Now, with new variants, a waning vaccine, and breakouts in the most heavily vaccinated country, Isreal, we could be in for a long winter. 

I believe in learning and cultivating strength from people who have endured much more and for much longer.  

Imagine what it would be like to live in England from 1939 to 1945? 

The constant bombing of towns, food rations, and a high level of uncertainty is what life was. 

What did they do to keep their morale high? 

(Remember No TV or Internet) 

– People started praying more and attending church.

– Families and communities grew stronger

– And people read books


It’s hard to imagine a world with no internet. I think “being connected” 24/7 raises our stress because the lines become blurry between work and rest. 

Focus on what you can control and continue to build your muscle of resilience. 

by Eric Papp