Goal Series – Why Wait?
This is the first of many small articles I will be posting to help you accomplish what matters.
Why Wait Until Jan. 1 to Get Started?
You probably have already given some thought on what goal you want to achieve or the area of your life you want to improve on.
My Question Is, Why Wait.
Do you think there is something magical about starting on Jan. 1?
Do you still think/feel you need to “get something” to get started?
Are you searching for the “perfect plan”?
For years, I shared these same beliefs as I approached the start of a new year. More presently I have learned how to let these beliefs go by practicing two concepts.
1. Do Something Small Today: We are programmed to focus on outcomes. And our goals are often so big that sometimes getting started can seem like some herculean effort. Doing something small tricks our brain, and we get into the action faster and out of our heads. Over time these actions turn into habits and create other behaviors that help us to our goal.
Goal: Write a Book
Daily action: Write 100 words a day
Goal: Lose 30lbs
Daily action: Stop eating after 8:30 pm
2. Track your progress: We constantly compare ourselves to others i.e., social media. Continue to take stock in your daily progress and accomplishments. This will help you develop the muscle of endurance to keep showing up even when you miss a day. And this will increase the feeling of “I am worth it.”
by Keynote Speaker & Author, Eric Papp