“I need to talk to you about _______,” my wife said. “Ok,” I responded.

And as she proceeds to tell me a problem, I have to catch myself multiple times wanting to interrupt her and give her the solution.

Do you think she wants a solution or wants me to listen? Over 80% of the time, she wants me to listen. Why do I find myself so tempted to suggest possible solutions? Almost every time I have to remind myself to say nothing. Just sit and listen. How hard can it be?

Showing someone that you understand them versus trying to give advice is a daily practice of self-discipline and will make us a better listener and leader.

This critical distinction between always giving advice vs. letting the other person talk is a quality that makes a great manager stand out.

Most of the time, our associates want to be heard. They want to express their frustrations, concerns, or ideas. And our job is to listen to them.

Next conversation, attempt to go two minutes without interrupting or offering advice, if you frequently give information, you’ll be amazed at how long two minutes can be.

To Your Success,
Eric Papp