I intellectually understood the importance of sleep, but after having another newborn in the house (Cole is four weeks today), I experienced the value of it.
Sleep can benefit us in numerous ways:

  • Regulate our mood
  • Boost our immune system
  • Increase our productivity
  • Improve our memory
  • Reduce our stress


Why does our culture still seem to view sleep as a necessary evil? If you take naps in some circles, why are you deemed lazy?
Perhaps we still think we can power through, drink more caffeine, or binge our favorite tv show at night and not feel any ramifications.
I invite you to get more rest this week and see if you notice the impact.
Tips for getting more sleep:

  • Go to bed 30 minutes earlier
  • Stop using your phone 30 minutes before bedtime
  • Do one 10-minute guided mediation after lunch


What is preventing you from getting more sleep or naps?

Identify your obstacle, and you’ll create your custom solution.


by Keynote Speaker & Author, Eric Papp