Manage Promises, Not People
How To Create A Self-Managing Team
2 Day Leadership Training for Supervisors
A supervisor’s primary role is managing the workflow and performance of a department. In reality, day-to-day activities and “firefighting” distract managers from successfully achieving their primary objectives as supervisors. Many put off coaching conversations and fail to address performance issues.
This contributes to the development of an “Abdication of Accountability” environment, where performing employees have more work and less time and underperforming employees have less work and more time.
As a result, team performance, morale, and communication decline.
So, how can you develop and lead a self-managing team?
Effective leadership training teaches supervisors to manage a promise and not a person. A self-managing team allows the manager to focus on what’s most important: coaching, strategic planning, and growth.
Day 1
Know and Improve Thyself
Elevate awareness of your self-limiting beliefs and biases
Improve your self-worth, so you have the confidence to lead
Identify your strengths and accept your weaknesses
Increase personal effectiveness through healthy habits
Successful Supervising Fundamentals
Gain insight into the principles of effective management
Increase influence with others by learning proven leadership concepts
Boost your credibility with those you lead
Clarify your roles and responsibility
The Power of Your Word
3 Values of Personal Effectiveness
Examine the impact of broken promises
Increase your power and trust with others
Clean up the past and prepare to lead
Day 2
How To Manage Promises, Not People
Simplify your leadership position
Identify the three-part process that determines performance
Establish standards of behavior
Create a culture of ownership and personal accountability
Courage in Your Communication
Gain confidence in having difficult conversations and giving feedback
Increase trust by becoming a better listener
Develop courage by creating healthy conflict
Learn a two-minute coaching conversation model
Implement and Apply: Personal Growth Game plan
Schedule and share what you learned with your team
Listen, acknowledge, and ask for feedback
Develop milestones and metrics
Plan ongoing professional development
What Clients Have To Say About Eric’s Leadership Training
Download a Free Time Management Resource for Your Team
To get the ball rolling, get a complimentary PDF notebook activity from the Priority Planner. It will help you plan your day so that you can establish viable, unintimidating items on your To Do list.