Even Jesus of Nazareth, the most influential person who ever lived, asked this question to his disciples. 

Whether we like to admit it or not, we care about what others think about us. And sometimes the opinion of others outweighs our own identity. 

I recently saw some relatives I hadn’t seen in years, and after a long time of listening to them about their medical challenges, what their children are up to, grandchildren, etc. So I thought they would ask me about myself. (I was excited to share what I was up to with them.) 


And, in their presence, I felt like I had to somehow “prove” myself to them. Like I needed their approval. lol  

Have you ever experienced wanting the approval of someone you hadn’t seen in a while? 

And then a question surfaced in my mind; I wondered, “Who do they say that I am” then, after further reflection, I came up with 

It doesn’t matter.  

I reminded myself of who I am and what I’m up to, which was reassuring.   

It also reminded me that listening to others and taking an interest in someone is a gift. And you can’t expect it from everyone.

And this doesn’t make them wrong; it is what it is, just maybe not so desirable to hang out with. 


by Eric Papp